As we worship, we are asking for the following safety protocols to be followed in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
  1. Masks should be worn in the sanctuary.
  2. We will fill the sanctuary from front to back and exit from back to front.
  3. Every other pew will be left empty
  4. One family unit per row.
  5. Communion, when offered, will be by family unit.
  6. Offering plates will be left at the back of the sanctuary for use at the beginning or ending of the service
  7. Greetings will be verbal or by “wave” only.

Christ Lutheran Church plans to have some sealed spare masks available for those who may forget.  Studies suggest that singing is a “high risk” activity for virus transmission unless masks are used.  The councils encourage that anyone who is apprehensive about attending for any reason feel to free to remain home and worship.  The latest sermons and worship materials are available on the Pastor’s Blog and the handouts can also be printed out.  Paper copies will be available in the sanctuary as well.  Special precautions will be observed for the preparation of the communion elements and their distribution.